Video Production from Pros: Stages and Key Types

A video is an effective tool for conveying the necessary information. It works better than text with static visuals. Video engages, inspires, and educates viewers. The combination of visual and sound elements improves information comprehension. This versatile media format can be used anywhere and for any goal.

Video production is not film production, videography, or video editing.

The contrasting element of video production is that a story and visuals are recorded via memory card, and the process of capturing is thoroughly planned (with detailed scripts, scene descriptions, and storyboards). Videography is spontaneous and does not direct the capturing. 

Video editing is a part of video production. A technician performs it on a computer.

Video production comprises the following stages:

1. Strategic planning: the video’s goals and your motivation to produce a new video (attracting users to a website, educating viewers, increasing trust in a brand or a product). These factors drive decisions. Before production, you must know the goals, the place where the final video will live, the budget for creation, and the metrics to estimate reach and response.

2. Pre-production stage suggests all necessary planning: idea, concept, mood, style, people or products, locations and contexts, scripts, and schedules. This stage also suggests budget estimation and allocation. Pre-production is the most time-consuming part of the entire process. Poorly planned videos will fail to meet your goals and become budget waste.

3. Production: the process of bringing the idea to life. Depending on goals and plans, it can last from several hours to several days. You can face the most significant risks at this stage — budget overages and schedule flaws.

4. Post-production:  this is the second longest stage of video production. The technicians edit the piece according to reviews from the customer. Post-production is not sheer editing and image manipulation. It includes adding text, sound, music synchronisation, visual effects, interactive elements, and colour correction.

The final stage is not a technical part of the production. It is video distribution. The efficiency of video depends on how many people will interact with it. This stage suggests optimising the format and the duration of the video for every distribution channel, converting it into suitable fragments for commercials and previews, etc.


The production team can create for you the following types of video:

1. Product video

This type of video performs a product, reviews its features, explains how it works, and educates how to use it. Product-centric video requires a specific approach to creation. It must provide a close-up perspective of the product to highlight its benefits. For this type of video, a show-and-tell format is the best option.

2. Application video

The competition among applications in AppStore and Google Play gets tougher. To win users, a developer must show the application and its benefits, variants of usage, and available options. In the promotion of application, video works much better than text as it demonstrates in seconds what you can not pack even in a hundred words.

3. Website video

Videos for websites are the perfect format to introduce a company, a team, products, or services or to tell a story. The video cuts the distance between a company and a potential customer. Website videos also work for ranking purposes. Keep in mind that a high-quality video can go viral and get shared on social media attracting new visitors to the website.

4. Infomercial video

It is a hybrid type of video covering informational purposes and selling options. The format suggests showing a problem to a user and providing several solutions. It is popular now on social media and allows to increase the reach.

5. Explaining Animation

It is an animated, cartoon-like graphic that, in a simple, fun, and engaging way, communicates a specific message or explains a process. Animation is an affordable alternative to shooting in a studio. It is also an option when a product prototype still needs to be produced.

If you have an idea that you want to convert into a video, contact the Visionary Tools team to discuss the project and learn about possible formats of realisation!



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